Hmm – who laid this egg? #Wordless Wednesday #Is there a new “winged creature” at the Park?

Wordless Wednesday – allow your photo(s) to tell the story.

About Linda Schaub

This is my first blog and I enjoy writing each post immensely. I started a walking regimen in 2011 and in 2013 I decided to create a blog as a means of memorializing the people, places and things seen on my daily walks. I have always enjoyed people watching, so my blog is peppered with folks I meet or reflections of characters I have known through the years. Often something piques my interest, or evokes a pleasant memory from my memory bank, so this becomes a “slice o’ life” blog post. I respect and appreciate nature and my interactions with Mother Nature’s gifts is also a common theme. Sometimes the most-ordinary items become fodder for points to ponder over and touch upon. I retired in March 2024 after a career in the legal field. I was a legal secretary for almost 45 years, primarily working in downtown Detroit, then working from my home. I graduated from Wayne State University with a degree in Mass Communications (print journalism) in 1978, though I’ve never worked in that field. I would like to think this blog is the writer in me finally emerging!! Walking and writing have met, shaken hands and the creative juices are flowing in Walkin’, Writin’, Wit & Whimsy. I hope you think so too. - Linda Schaub
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62 Responses to Hmm – who laid this egg? #Wordless Wednesday #Is there a new “winged creature” at the Park?

  1. I haven’t seen an egg tree this year. We don’t drive through many residential areas, but I wonder if they are still popular.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      I haven’t seen any in the neighborhoods either Anne. This is really colorful up close with the wreath and hanging eggs. That one egg must have fallen from the ribbon but the strangest thing is, it was missing the next day. Whether it blew away or someone took it home to get a new ribbon for it, I’m not sure. Hope a goose is not sitting on it. This tree is always decorated for Christmas – first time it was decorated for Easter.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Anyway, I enjoyed your photos.

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  3. Laurie says:

    I would love to meet that winged creature! I can only imagine what she would look like.

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  4. Dave says:

    The first photo could be a future one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple-people-eater.

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  5. Joni says:

    That was lovely…..and a nice memorial! I wonder if it confuses all the critters though?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Thank you Joni – they had just put the decorations on that memorial tree the day before I took the photos. I guess that one egg fell from its ribbon, although I didn’t see any ribbons hanging with no eggs tied onto them. This tree is always decorated for Christmas and the rest of the year has a seasonal wreath. I almost included a photo of the young man who died and a link to the obit, but decided not to at the last minute.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. TD says:

    This is beautiful, Linda! I’ve never seen anything like this. TD

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      I’ve seen them in the neighborhood before TD, but this is the first time I’ve seen one at the Park at one of the memorial trees. They do usually decorate this tree at Christmastime and hang a seasonal wreath the rest of the It was sunny that day, so the sun’s rays were bouncing off the eggs – it was very pretty.


  7. Beautiful eggs, we used to hide plastic eggs in our backyard with candy in them. Lovely sentiment for this person.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      I thought it was nice as well Terri. The tree is always decorated for Christmas and a seasonal wreath the rest of the time, but this was a first for Easter decor for this young man.

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  8. Eilene Lyon says:

    Must be Easter time!

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  9. Ally Bean says:

    Snazzy egg tree. Very pretty

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  10. rajkkhoja says:

    Beautiful photography. Wonderful decorative trees for Egg.
    I haven’t seen an egg trees.
    Easter decorations for Egg trees. .

    Liked by 1 person

  11. trumstravels says:

    The eggs are beautiful, lovely colours. I hope you enjoy your weekend Linda!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      They were a surprise to see Susan. People decorate these memorial trees for Christmas, but not usually for Easter. They were especially colorful as it was sunny that day! Happy Easter to you as well.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. ruthsoaper says:

    I suspect it was a goose at least for the golden ones. LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      That’s for sure Ruth! A magical goose at that. If that purple egg fell from a tree, there was no empty ribbon dangling down. The egg was gone the following day. A squirrel probably stole it to hide his/her nuts in. 🙂


  13. I haven’t seen an egg tree for years. So this was very nice to see, Linda. I wonder if whoever puts those eggs up does it every year?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      I hadn’t seen an egg tree in years either Hugh. Unbelievably, I hear news stories that Halloween is becoming the #1 holiday for decorating, even more than Christmas. There are many memorial trees in this Park and in the ten years I’ve walked here, only four trees are decorated for Christmas and I’ve never seen an egg tree before. I just looked this morning and I am amazed with all our very windy and torrential rainy days we’ve had the past few weeks, that the wreath and eggs have stayed intact.


  14. J P says:

    You remind me that I have not noticed any egg trees this year. This one is bittersweet, with someone having sad memories to go with their Easter joy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      I haven’t seen any egg trees in a while JP. In fact, there are many memorial trees in this Park and in the 10 years I’ve walked at this venue, only four trees are decorated, with Christmas wreaths, sometimes a Fall wreath. This was surprising to see. It is sad. I looked up this young man’s obituary. He had a Masters degree in fine arts in film and television production and was a script writer for the entertainment industry.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Prior... says:

    my heart was tugged when I saw this was a memorial place – and they did a great job with the colorful eggs
    – I wondered how this person died – and 1969 to 2004 – they were pretty young

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Yes it is sad Yvette. There are many memorial trees in the Park and only four trees are ever decorated for the holidays. This Easter egg tree was something new here. I did a little research to find out about this person – no info on the cause of death, but I did learn from this young man’s obituary that he had a Masters degree in fine arts in film and television production and was a script writer for the entertainment industry.

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  16. Aw…memory trees are so special, especially around a holiday with bright-colored accessories. The tree looks mighty familiar ;-)!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Yes Shelley, we have four people that decorate their memorial trees, but this is the only time I’ve seen an Easter tree. It has lasted through all this torrential rain and wind and it looks like the only egg lost was the purple one I featured in the photos and interestingly has not been there since the day I took these photos.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Wow – that’s impressive that it lasted through the storms. It was meant to be!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        This morning I walked before I did errands and noticed another purple egg was on the ground – maybe the critters are chewing through the ribbon? Right now I hear a Robin singing. This Robin sings the same time every night – it is dark, so I don’t understand that. This is the third or fourth night in a row it begins singing around 8:30 p.m. Singing is good but nest-building is not. I came home and saw nest materials laying on the elbow of the coach light. I’ve been checking daily … the siege of ants and Robins is mid-April usually. “I’ll fix you” I muttered and went in the house – darn, the clear V-8 bottle was too wide and I thought it would fit into the “elbow” but did not. Grr. I had two sizes of V-8 bottles I had saved and washed out – so I didn’t try the big one since I just put up a couple of boxes secured by a store bag – great look for sure.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hmm…that is interesting about the robin singing so late. I hope it doesn’t find a spot to build on your house. Sorry to hear the V-8 bottles didn’t work. Your creative solution though might just do the trick!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        I am waiting as any minute it will break into song, though we have a windy evening. I know it was mad when I saw the V-8 bottle was too big … have to put my thinking cap on for something else. It looks lovely how I stashed big bags around boxes up there. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hopefully it was enough of a deterrent for it to move on! A perch-crazed robin can be quite annoying!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        I didn’t hear it tonight but we have very high winds out there, so maybe that is why. It’s taken an attitude with me, since I filled up the coach light area where it wanted to nest. Years ago when I evicted it from the side coach light (which I have since replaced) AND the front coach light, the Robin would see me watering in the morning before work and take the pieces of Redwood bark and throw them out of the garden onto the lawn (on the guise of looking for worms, but I know it did it to tick me off). 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • I’m impressed with your perseverance of dealing with Robins. They can be so darn annoying when they’re trying to build a nest, worse when they have a nest built!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        I could send you another post, but I won’t inundate you with posts, but I once wrote a post directed to the Robins that I had evicted them after a nest-building episode! You should see the contraption I put up there – it looks awful. But it will remain in place until June now – sigh.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Take a photo and write a blog post about the contraption! Might be a fun post for a rainy day or one of those extra hot days coming that we don’t want to complain about yet. 🤣

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        I should look if I have the pic from before as I sent it to the handyman to come up with a plan. He wanted to put wire netting around the light fixture … permanently. I said “no” – not only do I not want it around 12 months of the year, but I don’t want to go outside and see Robins hanging by their toenails off the coach light.

        Liked by 1 person

      • If only the Robins would just pick a tree and not bother with lights! 🙄🤔😁

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        I’m sure they hopped up there and tried it out, but I got smart about that because once I stuffed the hole halfway thinking that was enough, but it was not as they started building a box, even with half of the open area filled.

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      • They are persistent birds when they’re ready to nest and when they’re protecting their nest!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        I’ve seen some small twigs on the front porch like they decided to take another stab at building a nest, then were thwarted, so just left their nesting materials there.

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  17. What a festive and colorful egg tree! It’s nice seeing spring colors coming to life after a long dull winter. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      It was a surprise to see it Barbara. There are lots of memorial trees but only four that are regularly decorated and that’s at Christmas or a Fall wreath. They’ve never had an egg tree before. No other glimpses of color at the Park yet, so it was a welcome sight.

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      • I was wondering what the connection to the gravestone was… Now that I think of it I sort of remember you did a post about the memorial trees before. It’s a beautiful way to remember a loved one. So sad that he was only 35 years old when he died.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        When I first started walking at Council Point Park in April of 2013, I saw those memorial trees and decided to get one for my mom. I called the City and they said they were no longer having memorial trees. Well, that was too bad and I have since found out that the City really doesn’t take care of the memorial trees – they don’t use one of those trucks with the vat filled with water to water them, nor do they mulch them. It is up to you to take care of them. You would have to bring your own water there so I guess it is just as well I didn’t get a tree. Not only that – if we have windstorms and they split or branches break off, they don’t replace the tree, so there are gravestones and just a tree stump. That is very young to die and they said nothing about it in the death notice unfortunately.

        Liked by 1 person

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