Mirror, mirror …. #Wordless Wednesday  #I like me – who do you like?

Wordless Wednesday – allow your photo(s) to tell the story

About Linda Schaub

This is my first blog and I enjoy writing each post immensely. I started a walking regimen in 2011 and in 2013 I decided to create a blog as a means of memorializing the people, places and things seen on my daily walks. I have always enjoyed people watching, so my blog is peppered with folks I meet or reflections of characters I have known through the years. Often something piques my interest, or evokes a pleasant memory from my memory bank, so this becomes a “slice o’ life” blog post. I respect and appreciate nature and my interactions with Mother Nature’s gifts is also a common theme. Sometimes the most-ordinary items become fodder for points to ponder over and touch upon. I retired in March 2024 after a career in the legal field. I was a legal secretary for almost 45 years, primarily working in downtown Detroit, then working from my home. I graduated from Wayne State University with a degree in Mass Communications (print journalism) in 1978, though I’ve never worked in that field. I would like to think this blog is the writer in me finally emerging!! Walking and writing have met, shaken hands and the creative juices are flowing in Walkin’, Writin’, Wit & Whimsy. I hope you think so too. - Linda Schaub
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46 Responses to Mirror, mirror …. #Wordless Wednesday  #I like me – who do you like?

  1. bushboy says:

    Excellent photos Linda

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Laurie says:

    This handsome guy (or is she a girl?) has every reason to be proud of his reflection! Love the photos.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Thank you Laurie. I read only bird experts can tell the male and female Canada geese apart as they don’t differ that much in size, plumage or have identifiable characteristics like other species. I can tell at gosling time as the gander hisses and Mom stays quietly with the goslings He/she did like what they saw in the reflection. 🙂


  3. It makes me wonder what goes on in their heads when they notice their reflections. Your pictures give lots of clues!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. rajkkhoja says:

    Wonderful photography. Beautiful reflection photo. I like.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ally Bean says:

    Nice photos of a show-off?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Anne says:

    Such interesting reflections!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      It was a beautiful, still morning Anne, perfect for reflections and very welcome from these incessant windy days we’ve been having. It made for a nice walk since it is always breezier by the water.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. TD says:

    Beautiful series of photo shoots! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Thank you TD – I am happy you liked them!


      • TD says:

        Yes, I enjoy your posts. I’m not sure what to think about all the tornadoes! So many more than usual, it seems to me. I don’t know if it’s because I watch more news than I did when I was younger and busy in the work world.
        Stay safe tonight my friend!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        Thank you TD. We were okay today, but the weather folks had originally predicted severe weather for today and also last night. I am happy we stayed unscathed, but each new incidence of volatile weather is worrisome to me, even if not in my neck of the woods, because it happens more frequently and more violently. That is a good way to look at it – I was not listening to the news as much when I was younger either as there were other things going on in my life, but I have become a very big weather worrier, the older I get and as a result of climate change.

        Liked by 1 person

      • TD says:

        I was poking around searching for some advice with coping with my anxiety and depression and I came upon an article that suggested: Don’t overdose on the news. “At least one day a week, have a news-free day,” says Bresler. “No television news, no newspaper. Just give yourself a break from it all.” I think I will pick one day a week to be my “News-free day”. I’m thinking Saturdays would be good for me. It is worth a try… 😌

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        That’s interesting TD … I put the news on the minute I get up in the morning to see what happened since I went to bed and I probably listen to about six to eight newscasts a day, but I also listen for the weather report before I go out to walk, but I’m a weather worrier and these days I’m weather obsessed.


  8. The wingspan is large! Would not want to get in the way of a geese wing flap episode. Boom!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Yes, very large … I wonder if a wingspan like that is how the phrase “get into a flap” originated? Mess with him/her and they would smack you silly!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Never heard that phrase, but yep, I would not want to go near a flap! If you get near its nest, it will smack you silly and run you down. Geese are large birds, maybe even aggressive!!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        Those wings are pretty powerful. Here in SE Michigan there was the incident of the local golfer who unknowingly walked past a goose nest. It was hidden in the bushes near a golf course. He was a high school student and enroute to a golf game with his buddy and the gander went after him, flying up against him in his chest and knocked him down, pummeling him with its wings. His buddy photographed the entire thing. The guy said he was more embarrassed than hurt.

        Liked by 1 person

      • That’s a story to remember!! He’ll be telling it to his children.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        Yes, I’m sure he will. His friend was videotaping it and I guess figured he didn’t need to intervene!

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Zazzy says:

    Beautiful series! I love the one where he appears to be lifting off. Great catch!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Thank you Zazzy! I had just gotten there and this goose was right in my line of sight. It was a beautiful scene with its nice reflection. I liked that photo too. Those wings are so big – good for departing in a hurry!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Beautiful goose!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Shelley says:

    Ah, to be a goose on the loose spreading wings and showing off (for us, and for its reflection in the water). What a life, eh? Way to be there to catch the show!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. dawnkinster says:

    Nice reflections!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. It sure does look like it’s been eating plenty of food. Then again… so do i! 😏

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Yes, it was a huge goose wasn’t it Tom? I finally found those Crunchmaster Crackers you told me about – they are in the cheese section at Mejer. I had looked for them with the other crackers. But they were out of this type – they only had the avocado toast crackers, so I’ll look next time.


  14. AnnMarie R stevens says:

    Miss LINDA………………….some how I wrote a message and then erased it about Mr. Goose

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I love your reflection pictures Linda!


  16. your eye is getting better and better Linda!


  17. Asif Baloch says:

    He is not going on with it washed my mom and dad and the other


  18. Nice reflections! I think the goose enjoyed looking at him/herself.

    Liked by 2 people

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