Some days are diamonds, some days are stones.

I know I’ve used a variation of today’s blog post title in the past, but I’m choosing it again since the word “diamond(s)” will do triple duty for this week’s picture-laden post.

First, my birthstone is diamond – I was born on April 14th. So, just for fun, I Googled to learn more about my birthstone and the Gem Encyclopedia website enlightened me a little:

“Sparkling with an internal fire all its own, diamond is one of the world’s most sought-after and adored gemstones. Those born in April are lucky enough to call this scintillating gem their birthstone, a symbol of clarity and strength. Diamond is so strong, in fact, that its name comes from the Greek word “adamas,” which means “invincible” or “unbreakable.” The timeless charm of diamond was cherished long before it became the April birthstone and the places where diamond comes from are as fascinating as the lore that surrounds it.” – Gem Encyclopedia website

Gee, I hope that Your Roving Reporter is like a diamond as she hopes to stay “invincible” and “unbreakable” for her next trip around the sun … and beyond.

February 4th … finally some normalcy in my walking regimen.

As I wrote in a recent post, our predicted El Niño Winter weather was sure to be a welcome change from the cold, snowy and icy season we’ve come to endure here in the Mitten State. But then January arrived and Mother Nature unleashed an ugly combo of snow, freezing rain, wicked winds and a Polar Vortex that kept me housebound for several weeks. I bemoaned not getting to Council Point Park to feed the critters, but didn’t want to risk a tumble on the ice. I know friends and fellow bloggers had assured me repeatedly during this ugly weather siege that my Park pals would be fine because they are adaptable, but you know I still fretted over them. Finally, February 4th looked promising – sunny and bright, clear roads and a high temp of 45F (7C). I made the best of that day, stopping first at Council Point Park, then taking a 30-mile roundtrip visit to Lake Erie Metropark where the ice and snow lingered and I witnessed the feathers-flying fracas between the Mute Swans; you can click here in case you missed that post.

Many hours later I returned home happy from those two excursions and packing 100+ photos on the camera card, thankful that a perfect “diamonds day” had emerged from the drudgery of the depths of Winter.

The sun’s rays made the ice sparkle like diamonds.

I was eager to begin my walk at Council Point Park on this beautiful, sunshiny morning. I hopped out of the car and scurried over to find my furry and feathered friends. There were pretty reflections where the ice had parted.

The frost was heavy along the shoreline …

… and a few dabs of snow remained, but mercifully there was no ice on the perimeter path.

There is no way I can count noses and beaks but, whether they recognized ME, my bright-red coat, or their “feed bag” I always tote with me, (take your pick – it’s most likely the latter), they scurried over or swooped down to greet me. I even fed my furry and feathered friends along the perimeter path, something I only do when the hawks have migrated and won’t be using my Park pals as prey.

As I made my rounds to the three usual spots where I drop the bulk of the peanuts or seeds, I saw the squirrels peering from trees as if to say “I hope you brought goodies – we’re starving – you told us before the first storm, you’d be back in a few days!”

Next year I swear I will leave a trail of breadcrumbs from the Park to my house or provide Ziploc bags of goodies for them when we are expecting bad weather.

Below are a few of my favorite pics from this walk.

Lookout squirrels dot the trees.

A few squirrels … yes, cute poses, but somewhat indignant looks over my long absence. They got past that mindset as they silently munched peanuts and/or sunflower seeds. I was the only walker that morning and I enjoyed the peaceful sounds of those peanut shells dropping onto the ground and the whir of wings as birds swooped and grabbed a seed or peanut to go.

I’m very cold and hungry – wish I was wearing lotsa layers like you.
“Do I smell peanuts – Linda has arrived!”
“Ya, I may look fat, but it’s my fur, not ‘cuz I’m full of peanuts!”
“This annoying stick is in the way – will Linda see me?”
The simple joy of peanut bliss.
“Will you pass this way again or should I hide some?”
“I’m claiming it all for me – where are the others BTW?”
“Take the peanuts and run – that’s my motto!”
“Hope the Chickadees don’t see me scamming THEIR shelled peanuts!”

The birds seemed more forgiving, although they probably leave the Park and scour the neighborhood for bird feeders; I doubt most of the Park’s squirrel population ever leave this venue.

“”Lucky me – I have a bird’s eye view to grab a peanut or two.”
“I love me some peanuts – maybe I’ll swipe some for the Missus.”
“Sunflower seeds or peanuts … or both?”

I saw Jacob and another guy fishing with young Julia in tow, whom you might remember from Summer pics of her fishing with a rubber worm. Julia waved “hi” and wandered over briefly after she saw me chatting it up with the birds and squirrels.

My camera card is now empty of images from Winter 2023-2024 and I hope we can say goodbye to Winter-like weather until November.

“See ya Ol’ Man Winter!”

I am joining Terri Webster Schrandt’s Sunday Stills Monthly Color Challenge: Diamond, Quartz, Crystal and/or PURPLE.

About Linda Schaub

This is my first blog and I enjoy writing each post immensely. I started a walking regimen in 2011 and in 2013 I decided to create a blog as a means of memorializing the people, places and things seen on my daily walks. I have always enjoyed people watching, so my blog is peppered with folks I meet or reflections of characters I have known through the years. Often something piques my interest, or evokes a pleasant memory from my memory bank, so this becomes a “slice o’ life” blog post. I respect and appreciate nature and my interactions with Mother Nature’s gifts is also a common theme. Sometimes the most-ordinary items become fodder for points to ponder over and touch upon. I retired in March 2024 after a career in the legal field. I was a legal secretary for almost 45 years, primarily working in downtown Detroit, then working from my home. I graduated from Wayne State University with a degree in Mass Communications (print journalism) in 1978, though I’ve never worked in that field. I would like to think this blog is the writer in me finally emerging!! Walking and writing have met, shaken hands and the creative juices are flowing in Walkin’, Writin’, Wit & Whimsy. I hope you think so too. - Linda Schaub
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66 Responses to Some days are diamonds, some days are stones.

  1. Rebecca says:

    Happy Birthday, Linda! I always enjoy the critter photos from your walks, especially the little squirrels.


  2. Pingback: Sunday Stills Monthly #ColorChallenge: Finding Diamond, Quartz, Crystal, and/or Purple – Second Wind Leisure Perspectives

  3. rajkkhoja says:

    Happy Birthday to you, Bridgette 🎉 Happy returns of the day. “

    Very interesting you sharing yours birthstone. I like.v

    Born in April are lucky enough to call this scintillating gem their birthstone, a symbol of clarity and strength. Diamond is so strong, in fact, that its name comes from the Greek word “adamas,” which means “invincible” or “unbreakable.”

    Wonderful photography. Nice Squirrel.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love your post title, it’s so perfect, Linda, and your post tells the “tail” of the winter vortex! How amazing when you were able to get back out there, the critters greeted you and you fed them well! Critters are pretty smart and although Mother Nature can take care of them, it is nice to feel needed. The frost and ice in some of the images work perfectly for the challenge. This was fun to read. Enjoy your week!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Thanks Terri – I figured it would work well for diamonds which sparkle like ice. I like when a photo I nearly deleted as a dud works for that “tail ” end of the winter vortex. 🙂 The squirrels are starting to lose some of their plumpness as we ease into Spring. Glad you liked the post. You enjoy our week as well.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. your furry friends were very forgiving. I wouldn’t want to imagine them being angry with you!

    Some great shots in there Linda!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Linda Schaub says:

      I swear I am giving them a Ziploc bag of goodies when the next big Winter storm is on the way! I left a cake of suet at each of the three spots for them. I picture them up in their nests peering down and spotting me and saying “thank goodness!” I’m glad you liked the photos Wayne – my favorite was the gray squirrel all plumped up. I hated using the photo of the stick in front of that one squirrel, but he looked so hopeful, I had to use it.


      • rarely do wildlife photographers come across perfect scenarios Linda. Either there is something in the way or the animal doesn’t do what you want.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        Yes, with squirrels I am luckiest as they’ll sit still the longest – if only they didn’t park themselves behind a stick. But, birds, not as easy. Except the geese eating the peanuts … yes, THEY stay in one place. I gave up trying to shoo one away this morning. It came closer and closer and I stood my ground trying to protect the peanuts and seeds, but it kept hissing at me, so I just gave up and took some pictures of the peanut-eating goose. I went to three parks today, a gorgeous day. Driving out of Humbug Marsh I saw an Osprey and at Elizabeth park I saw Spring Peepers … first time ever and they were making a chorus that echoed through Elizabeth Park. They are so cute and I took a lot of photos of these tiny frogs singing their hearts out.


  6. I don’t know how you have befriended the furry animals to be your friends! I can only leave peanuts and almonds, then they’ll get it after I’ve walked away. You have a special touch with these furry critters!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Thank you Esther! I think I must have “Peanut Lady” emblazoned on my forehead … today I went to Elizabeth Park and had several squirrels come over to visit. I was going to take some peanuts in my pocket at this park and was sorry I didn’t as they kept coming up to me. I walked over five miles and it was warm and humid – people were out running in shorts and tank tops … I was clearly overdressed. Guess I need my mom to dress me sometimes. 🙂


  7. TD says:

    Happy Birthday Linda!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Happy birthday!! I made it before midnight! This morning when I got up, I tried to send you an email via the phone, but it didn’t work. After I went to church via live-stream, we went to Asheville. After shopping there, we had a late lunch at a Chinese buffet and came home in a food coma. Logan came over to play Boggle, then we talked for hours after he went home. Lise leaves tomorrow.

    Hope you had a wonderful day.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. bushboy says:

    Still too cold for me. Great Squirrel photos. I love the differences in their fur 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Brian, I was excited for 45F (7C) after all that snow and ice. 🙂 The squirrels are my favorite critters at the Park. We have three kinds of squirrels here, but no Red Squirrels or Flying Squirrels near me, which is too bad, but these keep me busy enough. Their tails have long fur and are actually quite pretty and functional for Winter. I have pics of them wrapping their tail over their head to keep it dry when it’s snowing hard.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Happy birthday (a day late!)! The weather was wonderful here. Hope you enjoyed your day.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Thanks for the birthday wishes Kate; I posted late Sunday. The weather was wonderful here but windy, but finally today we have gotten rid of the blustery wind, so I walked at three parks and took a ton of photos (so I can grumble to myself why I take so many photos when it comes time to sort them all).

      Liked by 1 person

      • I sent my friend a text but didn’t hear back. She’s difficult to connect with. She doesn’t email and rarely answers the phone. If I call and leave a message, she calls me back late at night when I don’t talk to anyone! Hope she’s ok. Last I heard she was looking into assisted living arrangements.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        I hope she is okay too. I take it she lives alone then. Some of the retirement communities are nice; more so in the warm-weather states with all their amenities. A friend’s mom lived in a nice place in Charleston, S.C. and she sent me a menu sample which read like a ritzy restaurant. How to downsize and get used to that new way of life would be difficult I’m sure.

        Liked by 1 person

      • She’s alone and can’t afford a place with a ritzy restaurant! 🙂 Hopefully she’ll be able to find a place with some social aspects and help with routine living chores.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        I hope so too. I try not to think about down the road, alone and unable to do routine living chores as I have no family and will have no one I could call on. For the present time, I’ll try to live as healthy as possible and hope that sustains me for many years.

        Liked by 1 person

  11. TD says:

    Good morning, Linda. Yes we can finally say goodbye to winter. There were times that we were both scared that we might not survive, but we did.

    The squirrels look happy! There’s a very good selection of photos of the sites with furry and feathered friends.

    Indeed you are a diamond, brilliantly shinning!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Yes TD, we both had a few scares with brutally cold temps and ice … for you, you are not accustomed to that weather, so it’s even worse for you. Now we have a mini heat wave going on, with 80 yesterday and 70 today … really too early for that type of weather.

      The squirrels are a joy at this Park. They are very attentive and know how to schmooze peanuts with woeful looks or all-out begging too. They are very sweet. Thank you for saying that T.D.!


  12. Dave says:

    Happy Birthday, Linda! I thought about you a week ago, when we went into our little downtown for an “Art Walk” of craftspeople and entertainers. One of the guitarists was belting out John Denver tunes and he sounded remarkably similar to the legend. His voice was so strong we could hear him from a block away. I’m sure if we’d hung around long enough we would’ve heard “… Diamonds…” 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Thanks for the well wishes Dave! I always liked John Denver, from “Annie’s Song” going forward. I like songs that tell a story, that I can sing along to and I feel his songs were like that. That Art Walk event sounds fun. We had a similar event at Heritage Park, but sans music, the year before COVID and I intended to do it the following year but they have not had the event since. Ours was artists positioned along the walking path, painting or sketching, with an assortment of their finished works available to buy.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Laurie says:

    Love your title. So true! I’m glad you had a diamond day when you ventured out to feed your friends. I can’t believe they recognized you and came right up to you, even after a lengthy absence. Very cool!

    I thought of you during a trip we made to NYC with our 2 oldest grandsons last weekend. We were walking past people sitting on benches in Battery Park and a squirrel came up behind a woman sitting on the bench eating some fruit and literally tapped her on her shoulder as if to say “Wanna share?” She nearly jumped out of her skin! He was a BOLD squirrel!

    And…HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Sorry it’s a day late.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Thanks for the well wishes Laurie I love that story of the squirrel and that must be “his bench” where he regularly gets fed, so he took liberties. 🙂 I can imagine how startled she was! I thought of you today because I finally got to see Spring Peepers and it was at mid-day and very Summer-like weather. I was walking around Elizabeth Park and there was literally a chorus of “singing” throughout the park. So, it was not in a swampy area or vernal pond, but we have had so much rain recently that the low areas are flooded and still littered with leaf debris as well, I got pictures of some frogs sitting on the grass or debris singing their hearts out. I had my digital compact camera with me, so hopefully my 12X zoom got the three or four of them clearly. The grass was soggy so I couldn’t step over and I thought they’d disappear if I got too close. One kept staring at me and I was fascinated with how their throats would swell, reminding me of blowing bubbles with bubble gum. And so tiny to make that much noise! I was enchanted by them and made a couple of other walker stop and take notice!


      • Laurie says:

        The frog sighting sounds very cool. I hope you publish some photos in an upcoming post!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        I’m going to look at those pics tomorrow Laurie – we have a totally rainy day, so I’ll stay in. I took enough photos, that hopefully I got some good ones and I will do a post. I was so excited to see these little guys – wish I had a way to capture the “music” as well.


  14. Such chunky squirrels! And, I can’t get over the black ones. Happy birthday! My oldest son and my mom are/were April babies.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Thanks for the well wishes Linda! The squirrels are finally losing their Winter chunkiness – good thing as we are nearly breaking records here with our heat wave. Good ol’ April babies … it’s nice to have a birthday around Easter, or when everything blossoms and comes alive with Spring’s arrival.


  15. AnnMarie R stevens says:

    Miss Linda…………………………………….you were meant to be a “Diamond”………………….you live up to its qualities of toughness, durability, and strong character……………………..”sparkling with an internal fire all its own”…………………………………..that’s YOU!!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. trumstravels says:

    Happy Belated Birthday Linda! I hope your day was terrific! Our weather has been slowly getting better but I need the full fledged spring to come out lol

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Thanks for the well wishes Susan. At least it was a beautiful, warm day on my birthday which was a nice gift after iffy, rainy, windy days leading up to it. Our weather is now rainy again for three days and severe weather tomorrow afternoon/evening … sigh

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Shelley says:

    SO much happiness in one post! First, Happy Birthday, second, happy critters too! 

    It’s so fun that they remembered you (and the smell of fresh peanuts). You captured some great photos of their winter coats and their happy responses to your visit. I love the reflection photos too!

    Diamonds are a girl’s best friend as they say. I was always jealous of my friends who had April birthdays so they didn’t have to wait to get a diamond ring. 😉

    I’m with you in hoping we don’t see the snow until late November! I look forward to your next adventures and the spring photos. 

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Thank you for the well wishes Shelley and I’m glad you liked the critters that posed that day. It was a pretty day despite being so cold, but that day felt tropical after the Polar Vortex and all that ice/snow. This was like a breath of fresh air.

      Yes, diamonds are a girl’s best friend. My mom had her engagement ring made into a cross and I wore her wedding band as a pinky ring for many years.

      I hope snow is not in the forecast for many months (and a little less rain would be nice as well).


      • Shelley says:

        You’re welcome. I love how you capture such cute poses from the critters. Your photos give them character beyond their normal ol’ cuteness. 

        That’s sweet that you wore her wedding ring. I have my parent’s first wedding ring set and I wear both rings. 

        No SNOW…but frost is still threatening our area this week. Burr…! 

        Soon the critters will lose their winter coats and we might just find a day where we’ll complain it’s too hot outside to go outside. 😆

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        My mom had my grandmother’s ring. But she couldn’t wear it; neither could I as it was too big and we never had it sized. It had a tiny diamond in it but we kept it for sentimental value.

        I took walnuts for them a couple of weeks ago … spread them out at the first stop, then hurried to the second stop, spread those out. Then I wanted to get some photos. But one of the walkers who feeds the squirrels stopped to ask me about this Creek widening project and if I knew anything. Told him what I knew, then, went back to take pics, intending to go to the car for peanuts later – the walnuts and the squirrels … all gone. 🙂 So much for that idea.

        I just remembered to watch the YouTube weather forecasts – I follow two stations, plus radio Accuweather, online Wunderground and a retired meteorologist on Twitter … somehow between all of them, no one says the same thing, but they all agree on the frost for Sunday and to cover the tender plants – I never planted until Memorial Day for that reason, but my miniature tree is leafing out … hope it is okay.

        I hope your bunnies stay put under the Tea House in this cold.

        Yes, we will be complaining soon enough – too hot!

        Liked by 1 person

  18. Sandra J says:

    Good ole spring time, when the earth is all brown but soon to turn green 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Nancy Ruegg says:

    You are such a good friend to the park birds and squirrels, Linda! We enjoy watching the squirrels cavorting in our backyard trees–running along their tree-branch pathways, spiraling up and down the trunks, sitting at the very ends of branches as confident as if they were on the ground, etc. The only time I get perturbed is when they make a mess in and around the deck flower-box! (Critter-Ridder does a pretty good job of deterring them.)


    • Linda Schaub says:

      Thank you Nancy – I really enjoy doing this for them. I used to feed the birds and squirrels in the yard, but then about four years ago we started getting Cooper’s Hawks, not only at the Park, but also at my house. A Hawk got my group of squirrels I fed at the house so I stopped feeding them. I just saw another Hawk a few days ago after a Bluejay was shrieking wildly and I looked up and saw it. I didn’t know about this product and yes, those squirrels can and will dig your bulbs out of the garden as well as hiding their peanuts in the deck flower-box. They may be cute, but …. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Nancy Ruegg says:

        Yes, we have the occasional hawk and even fox that I think help themselves to a squirrel or two now and then!😢 Sometimes we’ll see as many as eight squirrels at once, sometimes only two!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        There was a hawk at the Park this morning Nancy. There is another walker that brings peanuts and he said “no squirrels out this morning – there is a hawk overhead” so that was kind of a hum-drum walk. I have only seen a fox once in my life and that was last Fall at Lake Erie Metropark.

        Liked by 1 person

  20. A belated Happy Birthday to you, Linda! 🎉🎂🎁
    I couldn’t get over the picture of three black squirrels in the trees, what a sight! It must have been nice having the critters all to yourself with no other people around. They looked nice and fat even though you hadn’t been around recently, hopefully reassuring you that they can manage well on their own, even if they do miss you. I love way the squirrel is holding his little paws in the picture “This annoying stick is in the way.” You must have felt so refreshed that day after being cooped up for so long.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Thank you for the well wishes Barbara!

      Sometimes I walk by and that tree is full of black squirrels … there are a couple of nests up there and they are playing, racing up and down the tree, or up in the tree. It is funny to see in the Winter with no leaves. It is peaceful when I’m the only one walking. I was so happy to get out for a walk and take the car for a drive that I was there extra early. I liked that photo of the squirrel holdings it paws up too. When sorting out the photos I saw the stick in front of it, but it had such a hopeful look, I decided to use it anyway. I hate when there is a stick and you don’t notice it when you take the photo so you could have opted for standing at another angle.

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Ally Bean says:

    I’m so behind in my blog reading and commenting, so Belated Happy Birthday! Your photos of the squirrels are delightful. Those little paws, that dark fur. How sweet.


    • Linda Schaub says:

      Thanks for the birthday wishes Ally – they are appreciated. I am behind in my reading/commenting because every time I comment, I get an error message that I can’t reply or, if I try again, the message says “duplicate message – you already said that!” I have to go to my blog site and sometimes the message is there anyway – SMH. The squirrels are so cute, all plump and sitting there so expectantly. They are the best part of the walk at this venue, with the birds swooping down a close second.


  22. Happy belated birthday Linda! I hope you had a wonderful day. Obviously I am behind with my comments. 😩 Love your pictures especially the bird ones! I think those squirrels like posing for you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Thank you Diane! I did and the weather cooperated too so I went out for a long walk … this Sunday will be frosty as we have a freeze warning for tomorrow morning and Monday morning. Hope you don’t have any plants or veggies coming up already. Those birds were so happy that day. They came down by my feet … I think the squirrels like posing as well. They are so cute with their expressions sometimes. I have had issues in WP this week and tonight – I try to comment, WP says I can’t comment, I try again and it says “duplicate comment – you already said that!”


  23. ruthsoaper says:

    Happy belated birthday, Linda. So many great pictures. With all those peanuts the squirrels should be well fed for a while.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. J P says:

    I will add my wishes for a happy belated birthday. I had not remembered (if I ever knew) that your birthday is the same as my mother’s was. I am not sure I would like that date – “Happy birthday, and your taxes are due tomorrow.” 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Thank you for the wishes JP and I don’t think I have mentioned my birth date since I turned 60 and did a post about it then – I don’t think we followed each other then. I have only known of one other person who shares my birthday, so now there are two, with your late mother. (And we both drove the same type of car – I was not lucky to win mine though!) Yes, bad planning to be born so close to tax day!

      Liked by 1 person

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