Now that we’ve dispensed with flakes and quakes …


The chatter continued all day here in SE Michigan about the “big earthquake” we experienced last night at 8:01 p.m.

So, I was inclined to belt out Carole King’s “I Feel the Earth Move”, having committed that song, as well as the rest of the tunes from her “Tapestry” album, to memory many decades ago.

The sun put me in good spirits, so I settled on “Oh What a Beautiful Morning!” instead.

That song title would be a perfect description of this day.  And we so deserve it, don’t we?

I was running late, having hit the snooze button one too many times, after staying up later than usual watching the media roll out news reports on the earthquake, but I aimed to get five miles walked anyway.

As soon as I hit the trail at Council Point Park, the squirrels rushed over for treats.  Almost immediately I ran into fellow walkers Joanne and Janet and after we greeted one another, you know the first thing out of our mouths was “did you feel the earthquake?”

As we walked along, we compared notes on how it felt and what we were doing at the time of the big event.  Meanwhile, I kept holding up our walk to attend to my peanut pals who were darting here, there and everywhere.  They probably resented I was not lavishing 100% of my attention on them, but they didn’t do too bad either, since I stopped and tendered peanuts and endearments to each of them.

At each pit stop I made for my furry friends, the girls marveled that one squirrel rushing to my side for a peanut, suddenly became three or four of them, all scrambling over for their own treat.  You know I always give them at least one peanut and “a spare” and if there’s a group, I leave two for each squirrel, otherwise they get pushy with one another.  I like to encourage good manners whenever possible you know.

The cardinals were absent during this flurry of activity of passing out peanuts, though I glanced up in the tree, scanning for them, just as they are usually on the lookout for me.  Maybe next time?

The girls asked if I’d seen the nest that the swans were building and I told them “no” so I followed them, so we could peek at the site from afar.  We crept along a tiny path through the bushes so we could see the nest amongst the reeds.  There were no swans nearby and they said there were two swans building that nest the other day.  I’ll have to remember where it was and keep checking for any more activity.  Right now the entire landscape at the Park looks the same … blah and unimaginative.

Hopefully, either at Council Point Park or Dingell Park I’ll see a sight the likes of this:

All too soon it was time to be heading home.  The bright and sunny morn not only made the birds rejoice in song, it brought the squirrels down from the trees, more walkers pounding the perimeter path, and, believe it or not, I saw a guy mowing his lawn on the way home!  As I passed, I said “you’re the first one I’ve seen mowing the lawn” and with a smile he replied “I’m actually cleaning up the leaves because it’s faster to just mow ‘em up!”  Smart idea, because the earlier you could get done with chores, and bask in today’s warm sunshine, the better.

I forgot my pedometer at home this morning, but my usual roundtrip route to my favorite stomping grounds, and three loops in that nature nook, would have yielded five miles.

A beautiful weekend ahead will more than make up for last weekend’s abysmal weather.

About Linda Schaub

This is my first blog and I enjoy writing each post immensely. I started a walking regimen in 2011 and in 2013 I decided to create a blog as a means of memorializing the people, places and things seen on my daily walks. I have always enjoyed people watching, so my blog is peppered with folks I meet or reflections of characters I have known through the years. Often something piques my interest, or evokes a pleasant memory from my memory bank, so this becomes a “slice o’ life” blog post. I respect and appreciate nature and my interactions with Mother Nature’s gifts is also a common theme. Sometimes the most-ordinary items become fodder for points to ponder over and touch upon. I retired in March 2024 after a career in the legal field. I was a legal secretary for almost 45 years, primarily working in downtown Detroit, then working from my home. I graduated from Wayne State University with a degree in Mass Communications (print journalism) in 1978, though I’ve never worked in that field. I would like to think this blog is the writer in me finally emerging!! Walking and writing have met, shaken hands and the creative juices are flowing in Walkin’, Writin’, Wit & Whimsy. I hope you think so too. - Linda Schaub
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15 Responses to Now that we’ve dispensed with flakes and quakes …

  1. I liked your name “peanut pals”.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ann Marie stevens says:

    Miss Linda………………………….wowee……..that’s so cool……….I’ve never seen that before about the baby swans riding on mom’s back under her warm feathers

    Liked by 1 person

    • lindasschaub says:

      I know Ann Marie – I think it is very cute too. It’s hard to get up close to the water at Council Point Park due to all the reeds, so I think I’ll try for Dingell Park instead. Mike at the Park walks at both parks on most days, so he is supposed to tell me when he sees the little ones. I hope to see them and get some photos to share here.


  3. John says:

    I never snooze my clock, and I can´t either, I have it a way from my bed so I must go up!😁😁😁
    I have never seen swans have their kids on their backs. However, I have seen the red-necked grebe with kids on their backs, and they are completely striped like a zebra.😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • lindasschaub says:

      John – I have two alarm clocks, one with a snooze alarm by the bed and the other one I have to get up and answer it – it is in the kitchen. By the time I walk out to the kitchen to shut that annoying sound off, I am pretty much awake (though on a cold Winter morning, I have occasionally said “well maybe just a few minutes more” and headed back to bed) … it is not good relying on myself to get up on my own. When I worked on site in Detroit all those years I always put both alarm clocks in the kitchen as I took the bus and didn’t want to rush around to get ready. Now, even though I work off site here at home, I still get up early to have time to walk before work. Thanks for sharing your photo of the red-necked grebe … that’s very cute and the lucky baby doesn’t have to get its feet wet and instead gets to ride piggyback thanks to its mom..

      Liked by 1 person

  4. The video is so awesome.. babies are all very cute and the way she carries them all under her wings looks superb. Loved it 🙂 Thanks for sharing, had never seen this before.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Uncle Tree says:

    A Swan’s delight — riding piggy-back just right!
    What a safe and cozy view they have back there.

    I’ve never felt the earthquake, but I’d like to…a little one. Am I crazy?

    Liked by 1 person

    • lindasschaub says:

      Very cute video of Mama and her babies riding piggy-back … I hope I can see this in person. It is like you looking forward to the crane migration event … I will likewise anticipate this, only your crane event is more of a “sure thing” and even more so now that you know the earlier date will yield thousands more cranes. Just a glimpse of amazing events in nature can set you on an even keel and balance out the everyday events in our modern world that you’d like to forget about.

      As to the earthquake, I have to say I was fascinated with it … so no, you are not crazy. A few years ago we had an earthquake in the northern suburbs and that one was about 25 miles away as I recall. So I felt nothing and I was at home, quiet in the house, in mid-afternoon and just working at the table, so I’d have noticed it. This time, the rumbling underfoot was an eerie sensation. Some cities that were closer to the epicenter (they are just across the Detroit River from Amherstburg) had residents who said their windows rattled, but no damage. I did not have that, but after it was over, and I turned on the radio and it was a confirmed earthquake, I felt a little better. We have had multiple incidents over the years where natural gas explosions occur and blow up a house and its inhabitants, leaving nothing but dust. In the meantime, the uncertainty was worrisome. I think it was a unique experience, even more unique than the meteor that hit our state back in January. Uncle Tree … it is good to be curious.

      The weatherman mentioned that there will be peak viewing of meteor showers tomorrow morning, maybe late tonight … maybe a photo op for you?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Uncle Tree says:

        YaY! I’m not crazy! 🙂 I was hoping knot.
        I have felt the sky come tumbling down, tumbling down.

        It’s going to be cloudy here tonight, and the airport lights make viewing meteorites next to impossible. 60 miles away from any town is best, by far.

        Liked by 1 person

      • lindasschaub says:

        Nope, you are not crazy at all. That’s too bad … we have clear skies for viewing unless it changes before nightfall. I will have a look tomorrow morning.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. 🙂
    Our pet parrot, Tweetie, can sing all the lyrics to “Oh What a Beautiful Morning”! She is too smart! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • lindasschaub says:

      Tom – Tweetie sounds like a fun character to have around; I am going to share this story with my friend Ann Marie and tell her to teach that song to Digger, her African Gray. I was just thinking of you, having logged on and looked at today’s Google Doodle for Earth Day. Hope you get a chance to see it before they take it down. Nice words and story by Jane Goodall.


  7. Those earthquakes are no fun. I’ve been holed up in my cave and didn’t hear about it. Hope your property came through ok. Oh those swans so exciting. My chicks sleep on top of and hitch a ride on their mom. Love your posts. Xo Kim

    Liked by 1 person

    • lindasschaub says:

      Kim – I had just settled down to write a post and felt this rumble under my feet … the heat was off, the fridge wasn’t running, so it was extra quiet in here, then I heard it. They say it was just a shallow quake so no property, but from the sound of it, I was concerned. People living further downriver than me, were closer to the epicenter (just across the Detroit River, so 2-4 miles depending on where exactly you are) reported windows rattling and china cabinets or curio cabinets wiggling around. Yikes!


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