It’s harvest thyme!

I’ve often mentioned how Autumn is my favorite time of year. I love the colors, smells and the cool and crisp weather is perfect for taking a post-Park Saturday stroll in the neighborhood.

Since I began my walking regimen in 2011, I always ensure a few treks take me past this home on Emmons Boulevard. The homeowner really does a wonderful job of jazzing up his house for every season and/or holiday and harvest time is no exception. I went by twice to get some photos and saved them for this week when Thanksgiving and a tasty holiday meal are on our minds. While I know the holiday dinner with loved ones will be a little different this year, I think most of us will be blessed to break bread with some of our family members and hopefully Thanksgiving 2021 will be back to normal.

About Linda Schaub

This is my first blog and I enjoy writing each post immensely. I started a walking regimen in 2011 and in 2013 I decided to create a blog as a means of memorializing the people, places and things seen on my daily walks. I have always enjoyed people watching, so my blog is peppered with folks I meet or reflections of characters I have known through the years. Often something piques my interest, or evokes a pleasant memory from my memory bank, so this becomes a “slice o’ life” blog post. I respect and appreciate nature and my interactions with Mother Nature’s gifts is also a common theme. Sometimes the most-ordinary items become fodder for points to ponder over and touch upon. I retired in March 2024 after a career in the legal field. I was a legal secretary for almost 45 years, primarily working in downtown Detroit, then working from my home. I graduated from Wayne State University with a degree in Mass Communications (print journalism) in 1978, though I’ve never worked in that field. I would like to think this blog is the writer in me finally emerging!! Walking and writing have met, shaken hands and the creative juices are flowing in Walkin’, Writin’, Wit & Whimsy. I hope you think so too. - Linda Schaub
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36 Responses to It’s harvest thyme!

  1. What lovely photos!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sandra J says:

    Those are such wonderful decorations, my mother used to put out the corn stalks because they had fields of corn growing out back. You don’t see them to often anymore. Very pretty decorations.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Sandra – their house is so fun to walk by. When school lets out at the school year end, he often has an old-fashioned desk which the top raises up and he puts a chalk board with the words “School’s Out!” nearby – he does a lot of clever things. I like the look of the corn husks for the harvest time.


  3. Wow! It looks like these householders put a lot of “thyme” and thought into creating this fantastic display. You’ve got to love that grin on the pumpkin face in the 6th picture. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      They always do such a nice job Barbara for every season or holiday. I always like walking by there. About 9 or 10 years ago, he made a huge tree house for his kids. That endeavor took him all Summer. This is what it looked like when it was finished and my small picture does not do it justice.

      Child’s play.

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  4. I just wasn’t into decorating this year. I didn’t even buy a mum. Look this look. Next year should be a good holiday season. Hopefully the virus will be more under control.

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  5. Ally Bean says:

    That kind of decorating takes a lot of creativity. I can see why you like to walk by there.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Yes, he is clever for all the holidays and seasons Ally. He made his kids a huge tree house over the course of one Summer. He made a great job and these two pictures in this post do not do it justice. They had a pulley system rigged up to put food up/down while the kids whiled away the Summer.

      Child’s play.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Dave says:

    The fourth photo down suggests the house itself has a lot of character too, with the entry overhang and brick. I’m guessing this display works even better in concert with a house that deserves it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Yes, you’re right Dave. This whole house has got it all … from the big porch with lit lamps and a little table all Summer, to the displays like this one, all make a house with lots of ambiance. The owners are very nice – I’ve stopped to chat with them lots of times. In this post, there are two photos of a tree house he built for his kids. He has added lots of amenities, including a pulley system with buckets that he and his wife use to send meals up to the tree house.

      Child’s play.


  7. Fun autumn decorations in your neighborhood. Not many people put this kind of stuff out here. As a matter of fact, numerous neighbors already decorated for Christmas! And it’s not even Thanksgiving!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      This homeowner really puts a lot of effort into his decorating Sabine. The couple who live there are very nice; we’ve chatted a few times, not recently though. I’ve seen a few Christmas decorations in the neighborhood already too. We are having some nice weather for Thanksgiving weekend, so it could be done then. We had that sloppy snow Sunday and have rain now, with some slushy snow coming in overnight. It will melt quickly thankfully. Not ready for that yet.

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      • I suppose people are decorating early to cheer themselves up! I can’t blame them. I have always loved Christmas, but the last few years we skipped the tree and left town for a couple of days. This year we’ll be right here!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        Yes, that is true … people were decorating for harvest right after Labor Day this year! We had that real chilly spell at the end of August and I suppose that prompted them to do that. I hear that Halloween decor is just as popular now with as much money being spent as for Christmas. You might as well put up the tree and enjoy it this year. I have not decorated in a while, but I used to spend an entire day decorating – it is a small house, so to put things out, other things had to find a temporary home. That is why it took all day and we mad a list to keep track of where everything was. It looked nice, but was a lot of work and another day to take it all down.

        Liked by 1 person

      • The only tree I’m putting up now is a tiny ceramic Christmas tree my husband’s favorite aunt made for him when he was little. You plug it in and it looks like a tiny lit Christmas tree with colored lights. Our Christmas boxes are buried in the garage from when we remodeled the house. We don’t mind and it’s just the two of us anyway. I hope you have a chance to put up a few of your favorite decorations. Are you going to get a tree? I do love how the bring the woodsy scent into the house! 🎄

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        I have Rubbermaid red and green tubs downstairs full of bigger decorations and one closet chock full of smaller decorations, mostly bulbs, etc. for the Christmas trees. I used to like how the house looked at the holidays. I won’t be decorating that much, likely until I’m retired just for a little ambiance. We had a family friend who took a ceramics class, loved it and her husband bought her a kiln for Christmas. They had the house rewired for the kiln and after a few months of creating Christmas trees, decorative bowls and tall indoor flower pots for friends and family, she never returned to that hobby again. I do have that Christmas tree and I collected teddy bears for years and my mom bought me a Boyd’s Bear ceramic tree with lights and covered with tiny resin bears. I had intended to put that up this year, but the house is already cluttered now, so next year and I will do a post about it. It is unique and my mom bought me a tapestry jacket which is essentially the same design as the tree. Back when I worked on site, I had collected some Christmas clothing, pins, scarves … now sadly, not worn, so she bought it as a surprise present. We had a real tree when I was young but then went to one of those silver trees for years, then a green artificial tree.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sounds like you have some true holiday treasures with wonderful memories! I’ve never been much of a decorator for holidays as I like to keep our possessions reasonable and we don’t ever put stuff in the attic. We just had a tree and a handful of family trinkets to put out. Can’t believe that it’s December 1st today!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        My mom and I got a lot of country items as the house is done in country, so we went to some small country stores, so it was fun. The trees … we put out two of them, the ceramic and miniature and I used to put a tree with ornaments on my desk at work as well and decorating the lobby. It seems like such a long time ago for all that decorating.

        Liked by 1 person

      • For Christmas decorating I still think in German customs I grew up with. We always got the tree on Christmas Eve and decorated it in the late afternoon. Then we’d leave it up until after Three Kings Day. We also made straw stars and hung them in the windows and on the tree. That was it! I like it simple. But I do have a few things from Germany that I’ll pass along to our kids if they want them.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        When I was young, we only had the real tree and a few ornaments. I have pictures of the tree and me near it. Then we got that silver aluminum tree around 1965 which I have photos with our poodle Peppy. I never liked that look, but it was popular in the mid-60s. Whatever color bulbs you chose for your silver tree, you got the matching colorwheel. They are trendy again (which surprises me).

        Liked by 1 person

      • We always had a real tree and during my childhood we used real candles. One year, I must have been about 5 or so, the tiny tree which was perched on top of our tiny black and white TV fell over and onto the couch. Good thing my parents were fast at putting the flames out. As an adult I used real candles until we had kids. Then only the electric kind. The real candles just add so much to the celebratory mood! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        That is interesting – we did not follow any traditions from Germany (for my father). I like the idea of the candles on the trees, but yes, it would be dangerous. Didn’t you worry with them so close to the needles – but if you put the tree up on Christmas Eve, I guess the tree would be fresher and not prone to having dry needles. It sounds like it would be very festive.

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      • Linda, the candles were in special clip-on candle holders on the tips of the branches and we only lit the candles when we were in the room. There were no electric Christmas lights where I grew up. Now I wouldn’t use real candles, especially if there were kids around!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        I wondered how that worked Sabine. It would have been pretty I’m sure. I understand that there are more people getting real Christmas trees this year than in a very long time.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I heard about more real trees being sold this year as well. But I sure love the memories of the candle-lit trees of my childhood. 🎄

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Schaub says:

        People want to remember the trees of their youth it seems.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. I think someones inner child is running amok Linda. I bet they have tons of Halloween and Christmas decorations too! Maybe because of the lockdowns a over compensation?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Well, they always decorate to be honest … at the end of the school year, they have an old-fashioned school desk and blackboard posited behind it that says “school’s out” … the father built a huge treehouse for the kids and it took him the entire Summer to build it … he put in windows, a pulley to move their meals up/down the huge tree so they didn’t have to leave. What a guy! This post has a couple of photos of the tree house once it was finished and has an embedded link to what it looked like while he was building it. The tree is huge and the tree house is up high.

      Child’s play.


  9. AnnMarie R stevens says:

    Miss Linda…………………………….Happy Thanksgiving Day to you!…………………………….those were some bright colorful Autumn pictures ………………………………..thank You………………………..I enjoyed looking at them…………………………not too many people decorate around our apartments……………..since a lot of the residents are not American…………………..I’m not much of a decorator either.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      Thank you Ann Marie – same to you my friend. I always make a point to walk past this house which decorates for every season. I don’t think anyone on our street decorates for harvest, nor Christmas either … one does, but they have kids. It takes a lot of effort to do it. I used to spend a day decorating but have not done it for awhile.


  10. Laurie says:

    Wow! Whoever lives in that house certainly goes all out with pretty decorations. It almost inspires me to do the same, but I am not a decorator. I barely manage to put a few candles out for Christmas, along with a Christmas tree of course. Walking (and running) does give you the opportunity to see the sights, doesn’t it? 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Linda Schaub says:

      It is amazing Laurie – they go all out every holiday and they are on a main street, so maybe that is part of it, so their creativity is seen by more people than a normal City street. I used to decorate our small house to the hilt every year – it took an entire day as I had to figure out where to stuff the things that sat out the other 11 months of the year … I needed a list sometimes. (Then I decorated my office and our reception area as well.) This house is done in a country theme, so lots of knick knacks, geese and duck decoys … many country-type items. I do make a special point of checking this house out each holiday; next week I’m guessing he’ll put out his Christmas decor. It will pair nicely with the measurable snow we are to be getting Monday – ugh.


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